Empowering Communities Program

Your source for civic engagement, post-secondary education access, community involvement.


The Empowering Communities Program, works through college and career readiness, civic engagement, and policy to bridge the gap between individuals and a better quality of life. This program develops individuals who will become leaders in their communities and pave the way for generations to come.

In education issues, we support our students and their families. We provide services and information for first generation immigrant youth, DACAmented or undocumented. Our civic engagement work promotes that community members regardless their status are informed of the civic and political activities of their city and state.

Civic Engagement

  • Voter Registration

  • Promote and share education information and guides in English and Spanish.

  • Participation and local, state and national coalitions and organizations that promote policies for the well-being of our community.

College and Career Readiness

  • Scholarships

  • College access

  • FAFSA and financial aid

  • Information about other educational institutions and technical careers

  • Information on school supports provided by other organizations in the area

  • Educational alternatives for those students who cannot study in public institutions

Internship and Volunteer Opportunities

  • Opportunities of internship and volunteer Work with ¡HICA!

  • Information and referral of internships for high school and university students in the Birmingham Metro-area


It is important to mention that ¡HICA!, just as we promote electoral participation, we DO NOT support any party or candidate.

If you’d like help with any of the services mentioned above, please contact ¡HICA! today!



Our programs at work

The empowerment of hope.

Joseline Trujillo Martinez is a junior, high school student who joined our college and career readiness program, Escalera. She is a lawful permanent resident from Mexico who arrived with her family 3-4 years ago, meaning that she is an emerging bilingual that had little knowledge of how the U.S. education system worked and had no idea on how the college admissions process worked. Joseline joined our Escalera online cohort and started gaining more information, advice, and tips about how to successfully complete college, how to apply for scholarships, the importance of volunteer work, and apply for colleges.

With our assistance, through our Escalera program and other services the program provides, Joseline was able to determine a career track, set goals and timelines, she has completed her first summer volunteer job, gain confidence and, develop social and soft skills needed in the workforce.

Joseline is now waiting for college applications to open to apply for Jefferson State College and then pursue a career in Education.

This story is a testament to how the empowering communities bilingual and bicultural approach helps and supports students and their families with college and career readiness. If you, or someone you know, have a ¡HICA! success story to share, or would like to find out more about our Citizenship and Immigration Program, please contact us today!