Our Citizenship and Immigration Program
Your source for legal aid, immigration assistance, and community involvement.
The Citizenship and Immigration Program works to improve the lives of Latinos and immigrants new to Alabama by providing low-cost access to legal information and naturalization services with an authorized immigration representative. ¡HICA! Supports and empowers low-income immigrants seeking to apply for citizenship, as well as those who need humanitarian visas.
Our Program does not provide legal representation for any court cases. This includes removal proceedings, asylum, and SIJS.
Imigration Consultations are provided by appointment only. Phone consultations can be provided for the cases listed below.
Immigration Services
Family Based
Humanitarian Services
Immigration Services Fraud
ESL for Naturalization
Civics Classes
Our programs at work
The empowerment of hope.
Angel was 14 years old when his parents brought him to the United States. At the time, there weren’t a lot of options for children of immigrant Latinos. But hope came in 2012, when President Obama signed an executive order for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). Angel, eager to fulfill his dreams, succeed within his new community, and begin to build a future for himself, sought out ¡HICA! for assistance in applying for DACA.
Excited about the opportunities for employment and higher education provided by DACA, our Citizenship and immigration Program began to walk him through the application process. Things were going well until an unexpected tragedy put Angel’s entire future in jeopardy. While going through DACA application process, Angel lost his vision due to brain tumor. Everything he had been working toward—from his immediate future with his ongoing DACA application, to his long-term goals and aspirations—was shadowed with uncertainty.
Working closely with Angel during this unimaginably difficult time, the Citizenship and immigration Program was not only able to help him complete his DACA application, but was also able to get him the additional medical help he needed from the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services.
Almost a decade later, our program still continues to assist Angel with his DACA renewal. With a renewed sense of purpose and hope, Angel, who recently celebrated his 31st birthday, is still pursuing his dreams today.
If you, or someone you know, have a ¡HICA! success story to share, or would like to find out more about our Citizenship and Immigration Program, please contact us today!