Director of Organizational Learning

Name of Person to Contact: Nicole Brazelton

Name of Company/Business: Collaborative Solutions

Employer Email:

Employer Website or Application URL:

Company Address: 1016 19th Street South, Collaborative Solutions, Suite 300, Birmingham, AL 35205, United States

Job Title: Director of Organizational Learning

Job Description: Areas of responsibility include:

Organizational Learning - The development, coordination and support for planning and logistics for organizational learning opportunities which promote the development and dissemination of adult learning resources (including but not limited to in-person adult learning opportunities such as conferences and workshops), tools and products, resource database(s), and creating an online virtual community. Revenue generation is a priority for this Center.

1. Coordinate planning, logistics, and support for all onsite and virtual learning for CS, LIHCA, and PASWHA.

a. Conferences, workshops, learning series, and other in-person events.

b. Solicit and procure all on-sight learning venues including conference sites.

c. Solicit, procure, and maintain all systems and services to support virtual learning modalities.

d. Manage agency's event planning platform (i.e., MemberLeap) and other learning systems including the learning management system, on-line meeting software and contracts, and other systems to support adult learning.

2. Coordinate and develop new products, curricula, certifications, tools, and resources, built upon adult learning theories and principles. The Org Leaming Team will work with other CS Team Members and Subject Matter Experts in the development of learning materials.

3. Development and implementation of Center's strategic/operational learning and revenue plan which aligns with the agency's strategic plan and initiatives.

4. Provide project management for development of products, curriculum, certifications, events, and other programming targeted toward org learning.

5. Oversee, maintain and provide technical assistance for CS' Leaming Management System (the current LMS is based in a software called "MemberLeap")

a. Conduct an annual needs assessment and establish a plan for revenue­ generation and engagement of community participants.

b. Maintenance of CS' online learning community for CS clients, potential clients, and coalition management partners (i.e., LIHCA).

c. Create and maintain an online resource library including free, on-demand and resources for sale.

d. Develop tracking and training reports and communicate with identified team members to monitor training outcomes.

6. Provide on-going evaluation and reporting on organizational learning, including overall and event specific.

7. Seek and maintain national CE Certification for identified disciplines, such as social work which includes ASWB and NASW.

Communications/Marketing (External) - Oversight of the CS and Coalition Services brand. Coordinate technical assistance for external communications and marketing, including websites, group email list, and social media outlets.

1. Oversee and ensure implementation of the CS brand for all communications as well as the brand of any coalition service partners (if applicable).

2. Develop content and update websites, social media, newsletters and alerts consistent with branding and message.

3. Develop creative content, create and evaluate marketing campaigns, and ensure social media platforms are maintained.

4. Maintain style guides for CS, LIHCA, and PASWHA; as well as branded templates for the staff products. This task also includes ensuring that all branded materials follow funder requirements and related deliverables meet established guidelines.

5. Consistent and timely maintenance of Client/Member Database(s) to meet annual communications, marketing, and revenue development outcomes.

6. Provide on-going evaluation and reporting on communications and marketing efforts.

Team Training & Professional Development - Provide knowledge, tra1mng, and professional development to team members. When specific projects are identified, provide project management support.

1. Onboarding: Ensure staff are properly trained to utilize access to all software systems relevant to their position (including 0365, Big Time, DRGR, MemberLeap, GrantSeeker, Adobe software, and website platforms).

2. Coordinate, provide, track, and report on the completion of professional development and agency training for Subject Matter Expertise (SME) and general agency management.

3. Provide professional development opportunities including agency and externally sponsored events to address on-going learning needs of team members.

Client Relationship Management & Evaluation - Oversight of CS client relationships, LIHCA and PASWHA membership, sponsorships, and other relationship key to the further development and marketing of our work.

1. Maintain and resource CS Team Members with current client information, including services received and potential services for revenue development.

2. Maintain coalition membership lists including coordination of membership benefits, services, learning, renewals, and reporting.

3. Provide on-going evaluation and reporting on communications and marketing efforts.

Supervision - The DOL is a supervisory position and includes the supervision of CS staff and agency consultants. Direct supervisory oversight to (1) organizational learning team members; 2) contracts; 3) other identified team members, and 4) identified consultants.

Support other agency functions as identified by the CEO.

Persons filling this position must comply with the CS Personnel Policies and Procedures as approved by the Board of Directors. Neither this job description nor the CS Personnel Policies and Procedures will constitute a contract for employment.