Landscape Crew Member

Name of Person to Contact: Gary Mitchell

Name of Company/Business: Agricultural Services, Inc.

Employer Phone: (205) 365-2748

Employer Email:

Company Address: 5524 Lynndale Avenue, Irondale, AL 35210 United States

Job Description: No experience necessary. As a part of a team, crew members provide customers with lawn and landscape maintenance. There is no experience necessary for this position, but daily activities include the following: mowing grass, edging paved areas, and blowing debris. Pruning all types of landscape plant material.

Para más información: Efrain Rodriguez (205) 365-2751
No se necesita experiencia para este puesto, pero las actividades diarias incluyen lo siguiente: cortar césped, bordear áreas pavimentadas y soplar escombros. Poda de todo tipo de material vegetal de paisaje.

Salary / Hourly Wage: $13